
Welcome to my website!Tilman Santarius

We live in turbulent times. One crisis follows the next. People have to digest ever bad news. Many are frustrated. Democracy-threatening right wing populism is on the rise.

But there are also extremely encouraging news: Germany is the first country to shut down the last nuclear power plant. The European Union has put an expiration date to the combustion engine – an historically unprecedented feat after 100 years of automobile society. Thousands of people demonstrate to safeguard democracy. These are glimmers of hope that the social-ecological transformation of society can still succeed in the next two decades. To finally make a Good Life possible for all people on the blue planet.

With my research, I would like to help making this opportunity possible. I work on the following five arenas of transformation:

Digital Transformation, Global Justice, Climate Policy, Sustainable Economics, and World Trade & Agriculture.

Enjoy reading and thinking ahead, and don’t forget: Another world is possible – let’s make it together!
