List of publications
- Projektleiter und Lead-Autor von: Digitalization for Sustainabilitay (2022): Digital Reset. Redirecting Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation. München: Oekom.
For a free download as pdf and short versions, see here.
- Lange, Steffen/ Santarius, Tilman: Smart Green World. Making Digitalization Work for Sustainability. London, New York: Routledge/Earthscan, 2020.
For a free download of the earlier publication in German, including TV and press echo to the book, see here.
- Santarius, Tilman/ Walnum, Hans Jakob/ Aall, Carlo (Ed.): Rethinking Climate and Energy Policies. New Perspectives on the Rebound Phenomenon. New York: Springer, 2016.
Download of E-Book available here.
- Sachs, Wolfgang/ Santarius, Tilman: Slow Trade – Sound Farming. A Multilateral Framework for Sustainable Markets in Agriculture. Berlin/ Aachen: Heinrich-Böll-Foundation/ Misereor, 2007.
Published also in German, French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Czech, Polish, Portuguese, and Indonesian.
- Sachs, Wolfgang/ Santarius, Tilman (Ed.): Fair Future. Resource Conflicts, Security, and Global Justice. A Report of the Wuppertal Institute. London: zed books, 2007.
Published also in German, Spanish, Italian, Korean, and Japanese
Articles, book chapters, and other publications
– This list shows English publications only. Click here for a complete list of Tilman’s publications. –
- Santarius, Tilman/ Dencik, Lina/ Diez, Tomas/ Ferreboeuf, Hugues/ Jankowski, Patricia/ Hankey, Stephanie/ Hilbeck, Angelika/ Hilty, Lorenz M/ Höjer, Mattias/ Kleine, Dorothea/ Lange, Steffen/ Pohl, Johanna/ Reisch, Lucia/ Ryghaug, Marianne: Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Norwegian University of Scie/ Schwanen, Tim/ Staab, Phillip (2023): Digitalization and Sustainability: A Call for a Digital Green Deal. In: Environmental Science and Policy 147, S. 11–14
- Lange, Steffen/ Frick, Vivian/ Gossen, Maike/ Pohl, Johanna/ Rohde, Friederike/ Santarius, Tilman (2023): The induction effect: why the rebound effect is only half the story of technology’s failure to achieve sustainability. In: Frontiers in Sustainability 4,
- Rohde, Friederike/ Santarius, Tilman (2023): Emerging sociotechnical imaginaries – How the smart home is legitimised in visions from industry, users in homes and policymakers in Germany. In: Futures, 103194.
- Santarius, Tilman/ Wagner, Josephine (2023): Digitalization and sustainability: A systematic literature analysis of ICT for Sustainability research. In: GAIA 32, 1, S. 21-32.
- Barth, Matthias/ Gossen, Maike/ Lang, Daniel J./ Santarius Tilman (2023): Sustainable digitalization – fostering the twin transformation in a transdisciplinary way. In: GAIA 32, 1, S. 6-9
- Santarius, Tilman (2022): Climate justice and digitalization. A plea to consider broader socio-economic implications of digitalization and climate change. In: GAIA 31/3 (2022), pp. 146-150.
- Font Vivanco, David/ Freire-González, Jaume/ Galvin, Ray/ Santarius, Tilman/ Walnum, Hans Jakob/ Makov, Tamar, Serenella Sala (2022): Rebound Effect and Sustainability Science: A Review. Industrial Ecology 26, Iss 4. pp. 1543-1563.
- Best, Benjamin/ Christ, Michaela/ Santarius, Tilman/ Wiese, Frauke (2022): Exploring energy sufficiency: New challenges and options in times of crisis. In: TATuP 31, 2, S. 11-17.
- Gossen, Maike/ Jäger, Sebastian/ Hoffmann, Marja Lena/ Bießmann, Felix, Korenke, Ruben/ Santarius, Tilman (2022): Nudging Sustainable Consumption: A Large-Scale Data Analysis of Sustainability Labels for Fashion in German Online Retail. In: Frontiers in Sustainability, 3, 922984.
- Santarius, Tilman/ Bieser, Jan C. T./ Frick, Vivian/ Höjer, Mattias/ Gossen, Maike/ Hilty, Lorenz M./ Kern, Eva/ Pohl, Johanna/ Rohde, Friederike/ Lange, Steffen (2022). Digital Sufficiency: Conceptual Considerations for ICTs on a Finite Planet. In: Annals of Telecommunications.
- Pohl, Johanna, Frick, Vivian, Finkbeiner, Matthias, Santarius, Tilman: Assessing the environmental performance of ICT-based services: Does user behaviour make all the difference? In: Sustainable Production and Consumption 31, 2022, S. 828–838.
- Lange, Steffen/ Kern, Florian/ Peukert, Jan/ Santarius, Tilman: The Jevons Paradox Unravelled: A Multi-Level Typology of Rebound Effects and Mechanisms. In: Energy Research & Social Science 74, 2021.
- Pohl, Johanna/ Frick, Vivian/ Hoefner, Anja/ Santarius, Tilman/ Finkbeiner Matthias: Environmental saving potentials of a smart home system from a life cycle perspective: How green is the smart home? In: Journal of Cleaner Production 312, 2021.
- Knyphausen-Aufseß, Dodo von/ Santarius, Tilman: Corporate Strategy and the Theory of the Firm in the Digital Age: Reintroducing a Normative Perspective. In: Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 2(1), 2021.
- Frick, Vivian/ Gossen, Maike/ Santarius, Tilman/ Geiger, Sonja: When your shop says #lessismore. A field and laboratory intervention on online communication for clothing sufficiency. In: Journal of Environmental Psychology 75, 2021.
- Bergener, Jens/ Santarius, Tilman: A Pace of Life-Indicator. Development and Validation of a General Acceleration Scale (GAS). Time & Society 30, Iss. 3, 2021, S. 273-301.
- Santarius, Tilman / Pohl, Johanna / Lange, Steffen: Digitalization and the Decoupling Debate: Can ICT help to reduce environmental impacts while the economy keeps growing? In: Sustainability 12, 2020. 7496; doi:10.3390/su12187496
- Frick, Vivian/ Matthis, Ellen/ Thogerson, John/ Santarius, Tilman: Do online environments promote sufficiency or overconsumption? Online advertisement and social media effects on clothing, digital devices and air travel consumption. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 2020.
- Lange, Steffen/ Pohl, Johanna/ Santarius, Tilman: Digitalization and Energy Consumption. Does ICT Reduce Energy Demand? In: Ecological Economics 176, 2020.
- Santarius, Tilman/ Bergener, Jens: Does the Use of ICT Speed Up the Pace of Life? In: ICT4S2020: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, 2020, pp. 107–115.
- Santarius, Tilman: Digitalization, Efficiency and the Rebound Effect. Blogpost from Februar 16, 2018 at
- Jaeger-Erben, Melanie/ Kramm, Johanna/ Sonnberger, Marco/ Völker, Carolin/ Albert, Christian/ Graf, Antonia/ Hermans, Kathleen/ Lange, Steffen/ Santarius, Tilman/ Schröter, Barbara/ Sievers-Glotzbach, Stefanie/ Winzer, Janis (2018): Building Capacities for Transdisciplinary Research. Challenges and Recommendations for Early-Career Researchers. In: GAIA 27/4, 2018, pp. 379-386.
- Santarius, Tilman/ Walnum, Hans Jakob/ Aall, Carlo: From Unidisciplinary to Multidisciplinary Rebound Research: Lessons Learned for Comprehensive Climate and Energy Policies. In: Frontiers in Energy Research 2018, Vol. 6, Article 104.
- Santarius, Tilman/ Soland, Martin: How Technological Efficiency Improvements Change Consumer Preferences: Towards a Psychological Theory of Rebound Effects. In: Ecological Economics, Vol. 146, 2018, S. 414-424.
- Santarius, Tilman/ Walnum, Hans Jakob/ Aall, Carlo: Rebound Research in a Warming World. In: ibid (Ed.) Rethinking Climate and Energy Policies. New Perspectives on the Rebound Phenomenon. New York: Springer, 2016, pp. 1-16.
- Santarius, Tilman/ Soland, Martin: Towards a Psychological Theory and Comprehensive Rebound Typology. In: Santarius, Tilman/ Walnum, Hans Jakob/ Aall, Carlo (Ed.) Rethinking Climate and Energy Policies. New Perspectives on the Rebound Phenomenon. New York: Springer, 2016, pp. 107-120.
- Santarius, Tilman: Energy Efficiency and Social Acceleration: Macro-Level Rebounds from a Sociological Perspective. In: Santarius, Tilman/ Walnum, Hans Jakob/ Aall, Carlo (Ed.) Rethinking Climate and Energy Policies. New Perspectives on the Rebound Phenomenon. New York: Springer, 2016, pp. 143-160.
- Santarius, Tilman/ Walnum, Hans Jakob/ Aall, Carlo: Respecting Rebounds for Sustainability Reasons. In: ibid (Ed.): Rethinking Climate and Energy Policies. New Perspectives on the Rebound Phenomenon. New York: Springer, 2016, pp. 287-294.
- Santarius, Tilman: Investigating meso-economic rebound effects: Production-side effects and feedback loops between the micro and macro level. In: Journal of Cleaner Production (in press 2015,
- Santarius, Tilman: Micro-macro Discrepancy and Cause-effect Relativity in Rebound Research. In: GAIA 24/2, 2015, S. 85-87.
- Santarius, Tilman: Energy Efficiency, Human Behavior, and Economic Growth: Challenges to cutting energy demand to sustainable levels. In: Knapp, Robert H. et al. (ed.): Physics of Sustainable Energy III: Using Energy Efficiently and Producing It Renewably. Melville, 2015, S. 71-82.
- Santarius, Tilman: Rebound Effects: Blind Spots in the Socio-Ecological Transition of Indus-trial Societies. In: GAIA 23(2), 2014, pp. 109 -117. Nominated for GAIA Best Paper Award 2014.
- Chemnitz, Christine/ Santarius, Tilman: Rethinking food security strategies in times of climate change: the case for regionalization of agricultural trade and local markets. In: UNCTAD Trade and Environment Review 2013. Geneva, S. 280-285.
- Santarius, Tilman: Green Growth Unraveled. How Rebound Effects Baffle Sustainability Targets When the Economy Keeps Growing. Berlin/Washington: Heinrich Boell Foundation, 2012.
- Santarius, Tilman/ Scheffran, Jürgen/ Tricarico, Antonio: North South Transitions to Green Economies. Making Export Support, Technology Transfer, and Foreign Direct Investments Work for Climate Protection. Berlin: Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2012.
- Santarius, Tilman: Climate and Trade. An Introduction to Issues of Conflict and Convergence. In: Seattle to Brussels Network (Eds.): Trade reader. Beginner’s guide to the EU trade and Investment Policy. Brussels, 2012.
- Santarius, Tilman et al.: One Step Forward and Two Sideward. Regional Analyses of Climate Policy in 2010 and the Cancun Climate Conference (COP 16). Berlin: Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2011.
- Santarius, Tilman/ Unmüßig, Barbara: Balancing between Justness and Importance. Do Non-Governmental-Organisations have to save the World? In: Göhler, Adrienne (ed.): Examples to Follow. Expeditions in Esthetics and Sustainability. Berlin, 2010, pp. 182-185.
- Sachs, Wolfgang/ Santarius, Tilman: Towards a New Architecture of Agricultural Trade in the World Market. In: Gottwald, Franz-Theo/ Ingensiep, Hans Werner/ Meinhardt, Marc (Ed.): Food Ethics. New York, 2010, pp. 185-203.
- Santarius, Tilman et al.: Failure or Opportunity? A Regional Analysis of the Copenhagen Climate Conference and How its Outcome Has Been Perceived. Berlin: Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2010.
- Fuhr, Lili/ Santarius, Tilman: On the Agenda in Copenhagen. In: Boell Thema, II/2009, pp. 6-10.
- Santarius, Tilman: Climate and Trade. Why Climate Change Calls for Fundamental Reforms in World Trade Policy. German NGO Forum on Environment and Development/ Heinrich Boell Foundation. Bonn/ Berlin: German NGO Forum on Environment and Development, 2009.
- Santarius, Tilman: The Misery of the WTO: For a Reinvention of World Trade. Published online at: Portland Independent Media Center,, 2009.
- Santarius, Tilman: From a Marathon to a Sprint. In: Environmental Finance, May 2009, S. 18-19.
- Santarius, Tilman et al.: Pit Stop Poznan. An Analysis of Negotiations on the Bali Action Plan at the Stopover to Copenhagen. In: Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law (JEEPL), Vol. 6, Iss. 1, 2009.
- Braun, Marcel/ Santarius, Tilman: Climate Politics in the Multi-Level Governance System. Emissions Trading and Institutional Changes in Environmental Policy-Making. Wuppertal Paper No. 172. Wuppertal: Wuppertal Institute, 2008.
- Murphy, Sophia/ Santarius, Tilman: The World Bank’s WDR 2008: Agriculture for Development: Response from a Slow Trade – Sound Farming Perspective. EcoFair Trade Dialogue Discussion Paper No. 10., 2007.
- Sachs, Wolfgang/ Santarius, Tilman: World Trade and the Regeneration of Agriculture. EcoFair Trade Dialogue Discussion Paper No. 9., 2007.
- Beuermann, Christiane/ Santarius, Tilman: Ecological Tax Reform in Germany: Handling Two Hot Potatoes at the Same Time. In: Energy Policy Vol. 34, Nr. 8, 2006, S. 917-929.
- Ott, Hermann E./ Santarius, Tilman: Global Climate. In: Yearbook of International Environmental Law (14), 2003, S. 272-279.
- Santarius, Tilman et al.: Balancing Trade and Environment. An Ecological Reform of the WTO as a Challenge in Sustainable Global Governance. Wuppertal Paper Nr. 133e. Wuppertal: Wuppertal Institute, 2003.
- Beuermann, Christiane/ Santarius, Tilman: Social acceptance of German Ecological Tax Reform. In: Nikkei Ecology, February 2003, page 21.
- Santarius, Tilman/ Ott, Hermann E.: Attitues of German Companies Regarding the Implementation of an Emissions Trading Scheme. Wuppertal Paper Nr. 122e. Wuppertal: Wuppertal Institute, 2002.
– This list shows English publications only. Click here for a complete list of Tilman’s publications. -